Location: Europe, Russia, MoscowClient: ColabeansPlanning: 2015Realization: 2015Scale: 300 m2Leading designers: LAB5 architects | Linda Erdélyi, András Dobos, Balázs Korényi, Virág Anna GáspárDesigners: Diána Németh, Tamás Tótszabó, Dániel PalotaiPhotos: Zsolt Batár All kind of foods freshly from all exotic parts of the world – flying wooden boxes decorate the interior of the first Moscow store of Colabeans. History It […]
Location: EU, Hungary, 1066 Budapest, Dessewffy utca 22.Planning: 2015Realization: 2015Scale: 105 m2Leading designers: LAB5 architects | Linda Erdélyi, András Dobos, Balázs Korényi, Virág Anna GáspárDesigners: Júlia Borbély, Zoltán SzegediPhotos: Zsolt Batár Tiny Asia folded into the Budapestian frame – little happiness in the life, shot bar in the party district. One Asian client collected his favourite drinks […]
Location: EU, Hungary, 1082 Budapest, Corvin sétányClient: Cordia Magyarország Zrt.Planning: 2015Scale: 26.200 m2Leading designers: LAB5 architects | Linda Erdélyi, András Dobos, Balázs Korényi, Virág Anna GáspárDesigners: Diána Németh, Judit Nyerges, Tamás Tótszabó, Dániel PalotaiVisualization: LAB5Competition: Cordia „Green Court” Idea Competition – acquisition The part of 8th District behind Corvin Cinema has undergone a huge change during […]
Location: EU, Hungary, Budapest, I. DistrictPlanning: 2014-2015Realization: 2016Scale: 83 m2Leading designers: LAB5 architects | Linda Erdélyi, András Dobos, Balázs Korényi, Virág Anna GáspárDesigners: Judit Nyerges, Júlia BorbélyFurnishing and accessories: IDdesignStylist: Réka Szabó IDdesignPhotos: Zsolt Batár The design is based on the old building’s unique existing atmosphere, and reflects its original style.
Location: EU, Hungary, 1132 Budapest, Váci út 20.Planning: 2016Realization: 2016-2018Scale: 8000 m2Leading designers: LAB5 architects | Linda Erdélyi, András Dobos, Balázs Korényi, Virág Anna GáspárDesigners: Gabriella Fehér, Zsófia Ferenczi, László Monori, Rita Mottl, Rebeka Sipos, Zoltán SzegediCo-engineers: MTM Statika, ReEnergy, Kelevill, Báder György, Aqrate, Novaép, SALTOriginal building designer: Studio’100 Architects | László SzászPhotos: Zsolt Batár Thanks […]
Location: EU, Hungary, 1091 Budapest, Üllői út 33-37. Museum of Applied ArtsClient: Formatervezési Díj BizottságPlanning: 2015Scale: 250 m2Leading designers: LAB5 architects | Linda Erdélyi, András Dobos, Balázs Korényi, Virág Anna GáspárDesigners: Judit Nyerges, Tamás TótszabóVisualization: LAB5Competition: Design Award Museum Installation Idea Competition – acquisition We were looking for installation elements, which on the one hand fit […]
Location: EU, Hungary, 8300 Tapolca, Juhász Gyula utcaClient: Spar Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft.Planning: 2014 augustRealization: 2014 DecemberScale: 1400 m2Leading designers: LAB5 architects | Linda Erdélyi, András Dobos, Balázs Korényi, Virág Anna GáspárDesigners: Zoltán Szegedi, Tamás TótszabóPhotos: Zsolt Batár Tapolca is a small town, often referred as the Northern Gate of the Lake Balaton. SPAR has its retail […]
Location: EU, Hungary, 1054 Budapest, Szabadság tér 7.Client: Dávid Nagy, Tamp&PullPlanning: 2014Realization: 2014Scale:Leading designers: LAB5 architects | Erdélyi Linda, Dobos András, Korényi Balázs, Gáspár Virág AnnaDesigners: Tótszabó TamásPhotos: Batár Zsolt The café Tamp&Pull is listed as top 100 best coffee serving places of the world. They opened a new spot at Bank Center Budapest. Located on […]
Location: EU, Hungary, MátélelkeClient: privatePlanning: 2014Realization:Scale: ~200 m2Leading designers: LAB5 architects | Linda Erdélyi, András Dobos, Balázs Korényi, Virág Anna GáspárDesigners: Judit NyergesVisualization: LAB5 Family with huge circle of friends commissioned us to design a summer villa, on a plot that is cut by a quickly running creek. We proposed a series of small glass-walled houses, […]