Hajdúszoboszló Multifunctional Event Hall

Location: Hajdúszoboszló, Szép Ernő street

Client: City of Hajdúszoboszló

Design: 2020 (competition)

Scale: cc 10.000 m2

Designers: LAB5 architects | Linda Erdélyi, Balázs Korényi, Virág Anna Gáspár | Blanka Bató, Anna Beketova, Alexandra Kis, Dávid Páncsics, Zoltán Szegedi, Guangrui Wang

Civil Engineer: MTM Tanácsadó Mérnökiroda Kft. | Péter Markovits

Mechanical Engineer: Prémium Épületgépész | Tamás Tirpák

Infrastructure Engineer: Közlekedés Kft. | Ádám Rohrer

Event Organizer Consultancy: H.G. Event Technics Kft. | Viktor Salfer

Fire Safety Consultancy: György Báder

Visuals: LAB5 architects


Hajdúszoboszló is the 3rd city of Hungary in the number of tourists, due to their huge thermal bath. The city is about to realize a new multifunctional event space, to enrich its already vibrant cultural and sport life – not only for the habitants, but also to provide a new colour for its visitors.


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