Water-Mill and Ice House Refurbishment with Exhibition Spaces

Location: National Bonatical Garden Vácrátót

Client: Centre for Ecological Research

Design: 2023

Scale: 100 m2

Leading landscape designer: Vár-Kert | Zoltán Nemes

Leading architectural designer: Korényi and Partners | András Korényi

Designers: LAB5 architects | Linda Erdélyi, András Dobos, Balázs Korényi, Virág Anna Gáspár | Dávid Páncsics, Anna Beketova

Ice House exhibition interior design: PH-Idea | Helga Porubszky

Civil engineering: MDRS2 | Botond Madaras, Koppány Madaras

Mechanical and electrical engineering: Premium Building Engineering | Tamás Tirpák, Dániel Konda

Landscape value protection: National Garden Heritage Foundation | Barbara Sólyom

Visuals: LAB5 architects


Many of us have countless romantic memories of the Vácrátót Arboretum. The area is important not only for its idyll and recreation, but also as a monument area, and gives space for researches too. The historical garden is undergoing a continuous renewal, landscape design office Vár-Kert prepared plans for the preservation of values ​​and elevating visitor experience to attract more guests. In a collaboration with the Korényi and Partners office, we took part in creating design for the architectural features of the park.